Tuesday, April 25, 2006

“Fear and Trembling” has three problems.
Problem 1

Is there a teleological suspension of the ethical?
(Is conscience higher than good?)

Problem 2

Is there an absolute duty to God?
(Do we have to do what is required?)

Problem 3

Was it ethically defensible of Abraham to conceal his purpose from Sarah, from Eleazar and from Isaac?
Kierkegaard's discourse on these problems astounds me, what a mind!

A little time after Kierkegaard's exams Peter Stilling searched out Kierkegaard's teacher, a man named Brochner. Stilling reckoned that he could complete his philosophy studies in a year and a half, after all Stilling had noted Kierkegaard had not taken any more time. “Ah yes” said Brochner, “Don't fool yourself! Soren Kierkegaard was something else, he could do everything”.

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